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Click hereHuman Research Ethics Committees (HRECs) review Human Research Ethics Applications (HREAs) to ensure that the proposed research involving human participants adheres to ethical guidelines and regulations.
Applying for HREC approval involves submitting the HREA and supporting documentation to the HREC for approval.
Submitting an ethics application for approval is the one of the final steps in setting up your trial documentation. Once all your documentation, such as protocol, risk assessment, budget, participant information sheet and consent form are complete, the documentation is to be reviewed and approved by a Human Research Ethics Committee.
The HREC plays a critical role in overseeing the ethical aspects of research involving human participants, ensuring it complies with ethical standards and guidelines. It ensures the rights, safety and well-being of participants are protected, that informed consent is obtained, confidentiality is maintained and that participants are treated with respect and fairness.
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